I have not written in this blog for quite some time. I’m not sure why. I enjoy expressing my thoughts in the written word.
Once, a long time ago, a friend told me that places you have been to before will never be the same once you leave and then return. That is so true. In my memory Okinawa was a great place. We had so much fun here. We had great friends. We had the ocean and sunny days. But, that was then. This is now.
Now, it just doesn’t seem to hold the same luster it held before. We still have sunny days and the ocean. However, I have not found anyone, friend wise, that I click with. There are probably several reasons for this. I’m not a 20 something any longer. Now, I’m in the dreaded 40 something age group. I don’t have children and nearly everyone I know does. So, I can’t relate to them in that way and honestly, I don’t want to.
Many people assume that Marc and I don’t like kids and therefore we don’t have any. That is simply not true. It never happened for us. There was a point when we thought we would like to have a kid or two. That point has come and gone for us. Oh sure, we could adopt. But, honestly we are not even interested in raising children of our own at this point. The truth is, we are too spoiled with the way our life is without children. We can decide on a whim that we want to go scuba diving and not have to worry about finding a sitter. If we want to travel, we do. If we want to stay up all night and then sleep all day, we can do that too. We’re just set in our ways. We do, however, enjoy other families children.
So, in all of the effort of trying to find my place in Okinawa, once again, I have decided to go back to school and earn a Masters of Science Management/Accounting. This is going to be a huge undertaking and will certainly keep me busy for the remaining time I have here. In my linear way of thinking I have already planned out exactly what classes need to be taken and exactly what term I will take them in. Of course, determining what classes need to be accomplished was easy. The University of Maryland has determined that for me.
In addition to the graduate level courses I need to take I also have some undergraduate accounting courses that I will have to accomplish. I will be taking Accounting II this summer, as well as a graduate level research course. The graduate level research course is sort of like library science and every graduate student has to take this course. I plan to take intermediate accounting I the first part of the Fall semester and then intermediate accounting II the second part of the semester. On top of that I will also work on Cost Accounting this fall. Additionally I am going to take a graduate level management course titled ”Organizational Theory & Behavior in a Global Environment”. I took a course similar to this during my undergraduate studies. So, I am very much looking forward to it. This course is a 6 hour course. So, the total of college credit hours for the fall semester will be 15 hours. Because I have nothing but time on my hands anyway I should not have a problem accomplishing all of this course work.
I must give credit, however, to my wonderful husband. He has decided to allow me to use his GI Bill in order to finance my education. The “new” GI bill allows service members to transfer all or part of their benefits to family members. This will be a huge help for us as the graduate level courses are close to $1200 each. Although it’s not clear, I may also receive a $1000 per year book stipend.